Saturday, January 26, 2008


Prevagen 7 Day Free Trial - Official Website

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions page. Below is a list of frequently asked questions from customers just like you. Although, these questions are very helpful in providing our customers with vital information about Prevagen, they might not be able to answer every question you might have. If you cannot find the answer to your questions below, please feel free to submit a question to our Customer Service Center . A representative will be able to help you as soon as possible. We hope that you have found this page helpful and informative, and thank you for choosing Prevagen in the fight against aging.

Q) Is Prevagen all-natural?
A) Yes. Prevagen is completely natural. Using the design elements within the jellyfish, this is the most natural approach to fighting the aging process.

Q) How will Prevagen protect me?
A) Prevagen works by striving to maintain calcium homeostasis*, the balance of calcium within the cells. Without this balance, our cells could die.

Q) Why jellyfish?
A) The calcium-binding proteins found in a rare jellyfish are very similar to the age-fighting proteins contained within our bodies that decrease over time. Prevagen is the only way to replace these proteins.

Q) Are jellyfish harmed in the making of Prevagen?
A) Not a single one! Prevagen is made in an all-natural scientific process.

Q) Is it safe to take Prevagen (even if I'm using other medications)?
A) Prevagen is an all-natural supplement. It is important to consult with your doctor prior to taking this or any other nutritional supplement.

Q) How long until Prevagen starts to work?
A) Prevagen should start replacing depletions in calcium-binding proteins immediately. Results should be seen within the first few weeks of usage.

Q) What is "calcium-mediated cell death''?
A) Loss of Ca2+ homeostasis, often in the form of cytoplasmic increases, leads to cell injury. Depending upon cell type and the intensity of Ca2+ toxicity, the ensuing pathology can be reversible or irreversible. Although multiple destructive processes are activated by Ca2+, lethal outcomes are determined largely by Ca2+-induced mitochondrial permeability transition. This form of damage is primarily dependent upon mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation, which is regulated by the mitochondrial membrane potential. Retention of the mitochondrial membrane potential during Ca2+ increases favors mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake and overload, resulting in mitochondrial permeability transition and cell death. In contrast, dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential reduces mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake, retards mitochondrial permeability transition, and delays death, even in cells with large Ca2+ increases. The rates of mitochondrial membrane potential dissipation and mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake may determine cellular sensitivity to Ca2+ toxicity under pathological conditions.

Q) Is it true that some people refer to Prevagen as a "fountain of youth"?
A) Yes, that has been said by some, but we are content just to provide a healthy supplement to replace your age-related depletion in calcium-binding proteins.

Q) Does everyone experience a loss of calcium-binding proteins?
A) All humans lose calcium-binding proteins with age.

Q) How does Prevagen affect the aging process?
A) The aging process is very complicated and Prevagen acts only through one simple mechanism, the balancing of calcium homeostasis. However, the simplicity of the approach offers much hope to make a significant impact on several areas of calcium-mediated events that are detrimental to aging.

Q) What is Prevagen made from?
A) Prevagen is made primarily from aequorin, the calcium-binding protein found in the jellyfish Aequorea Victoria. Prevagen is made in an all-natural scientific process.

Q) Is Prevagen better than standard vitamins?
A) Prevagen is completely natural. Please continue with a course of standard vitamins along with any other current dietary supplements that you may currently enjoy. Prevagen is not a "cure-all" or a replacement for anything currently in your diet, it is meant solely as a supplement for the proteins that deplete during the aging process. Please consult your health professional for the proper vitamins that are right for your diet.


These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Patent Pending.

No jellyfish were harmed in the manufacturing of Prevagen™.

Official Prevagen Website

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